My testimony was buried deep for so long, and as my younger brother told me, it was there, but I denied it was. I wasn't feeling or seeing anything that would make me think differently, in fact the adversary helped things along by making what anti-mormons and ex-mormons said against the gospel make sense to me and my testimony grew ever more hidden, shaded from the light of Christ and my thirst for the knowledge of the truth was no longer there.
Heavenly Father had his time and plan for me to return, and perhaps he wanted me to return earlier, but I wouldn't listen as it was just easy for me to become complacent in my daily routines, and make excuses for not believing anymore or going to church. But the ray of sunshine came in the form of a hymn, one which I had sung in church when I was a young adult, but had long forgotten over time. The delivery of the song came from a young man with the voice of an angel, David Archuleta. It hit me so strong listening to it on Youtube from a fireside where he sang it. I listened over and over and used tissues cluttered up my desk and the floor around me, but I couldn't stop. Later that same day, I had passed the temple, and I had this feeling of a pull toward it, like a magnet almost. Then back the other direction I passed it again on my way home with the same pull toward it, only stronger. This time I had to pull over because the feeling hit me so hard. I asking God what was happening, why was I feeling this way now, and the message was sure, that it was the music I had been listening to and I need to keep listening. This burst of sunshine to my testimony was the beginning of a journey eventually leading back to the church. (more of the story can be found in another blog I did here about Be Still My Soul).

As my testimony has grown, so too has my desire to spread the gospel, to be a voice for my Father in Heaven and for my Savior, and to never deny the truthfulness of the gospel ever again. The spirit dwells strong in me at times, and I can discern the spirit in others, David included. I have had the thrill of sending 4 Books of Mormon to some young people on the FB group "Learn About David Archuleta and His Religion "Mormon". One a young man Elysion in Taiwan, one to Cherry Mariano in the Philippines, (those two included testimonies from David), one to a young girl Virginia "Gin" in New York, and one to another young lady Cinthya Mendoza in Ecuador (with testimonies from me). I know and see the testimony of sweet young Gin, and I know she wants to be baptized and is looking forward to being able to drive herself to church. A new seed planted and a testimony growing. I have seen the work of our Father in Heaven reach and touch the life of Cinthya through her going to church, and now attending Institute classes, and she is slowly but surely reading the Book of Mormon. And I can see that her testimony will probably start to develop soon, through the examples of young people her age at the Institute classes and through missionaries which will be coming to her home soon.
I hope some day though that through my example and how happy my own children see me, that perhaps they will seek and return to the gospel I love and have a testimony for themselves. I pray for it all the time and hope for it. I just have to have faith.

Though Gin has not been baptized yet, I can already see her sharing her testimony and I see that testimony touching other people's hearts. I love these young people and love doing my part to bring the light of the gospel to their lives.
I am so grateful to my Father in Heaven for giving me Be Still My Soul as my beacon, and reminder that I am where I'm supposed to be. I'm grateful for my testimony and I know this gospel is true, I know it as the spirit has testified it to me. I know God lives and I am his daughter, I know Jesus is the Christ and my redeemer, I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know it with every fiber of my being. I hope I can help plant the seed of the gospel in the lives of more people, and see their testimonies grow and see them be baptized, then in turn they will share their testimonies with others, and so on. Planting the seeds of the gospel, seeing them grow with their testimonies, and planting more seeds to touch more lives with His truth. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Update: Cinthya was baptized on July 21st, 2013. I'm so happy for her!! :)
This is really special, Janel. Thank you for sharing your testimony. It's such a good feeling to know that God lives. {{hugs}}
ReplyDeleteThank you Janel. I wouldn't have got thar extreme and amazing journey without you :) Love you.
ReplyDeleteLove you too! You are a special daughter of God and don't forget that. Remember too with all that Satan might throw at you to try and keep you from staying in church you are always stronger than he is. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide, our Savior Jesus Christ be your foundation, your light and your anchor, let our Father in Heaven be your strength and your protector. And let people you know around you and those like me who can't be around you but would love to, be your example, be who you go to when you need a friend. Remember that this all started because of your curiosity of why you felt the way you did when you hear David sing. He is the person who planted that seed of the gospel, the Holy Ghost, the light of Christ. He is an amazing young man and continues to be an example for everyone! You are such a sweet spirit. I'm glad you came into my life. You are like a daughter to me and you are a dear friend!