Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Waiting for 2014

Seems strange to say that a 48 year old grandma is waiting on a missionary, but I am! No, he's not my son or grandson, or nephew or any relation at all. But, I'm not alone, thousands of people are waiting for this missionary to return, and of all ages. He is preaching the gospel like any other missionary but he is special and different because of who he is, American Idol star David Archuleta. "I can't wait to bring back the person I will become" David exclaimed in a video blog he left for the fans. David also left his fans music, pictures, and videos before he left to keep the fans happy, preoccupied, and interested so we will be here when he returns. What an amazing young man he is, and there is nobody who could be more proud (OK, except maybe his family).
In January of 2012 before David left on his mission, I made a scrapbook for David, listing his fans who lived in various LDS temple districts and though most of the fans listed are not LDS, after explaining to them the scrapbook, they agreed to have their names in the scrapbook. Through the help of Geri in Utah I was able to get this to his family. I am wanting to do something else, starting it maybe in a few weeks and as a Christmas or coming home present for David (haven't decided). Additions to the list of fans who will wait for him will start right away. It will not be another scrapbook, and what I do hasn't been decided yet, but I will try and decide soon.

I've decided to just share one video of the start of my scrapbook. The others can be found on my YT under SRHS83 or Rochelle Dawn.