The last several days I've been engrossed on YouTube by the old 1950-1967 game show "What's My Line?" It's kind of interesting watching the episodes because most happened before I was born. When it went off air in 1967, I was only 2 years old. It remained in syndication until 1975. It has an air of familiarity with me, like maybe I did watch it in syndication when I was a young girl. I know who all their mystery guests were though, with only a few exceptions. They had Ronald Reagan on when he was still an actor, Julie Andrews when she was really young, Paul Newman when he was super young, and might I add good looking!
Those whom I didn't know anything about were the panelists, Dorothy Kilgallen, Bennett Cerf and Arlene Francis who were the regulars on the show, and the host John Charles Daly. They would have guest panelists on, some whom I know of, like Jerry Lewis and Tony Randall, Steve Allen and Groucho Marx among others.
One of the funniest ones I watched so far was an episode with Lucille Ball as the guest host. Her noises she made to fool the panelists were pretty funny!
Being curious as I was, I looked up the panelists and started with Dorothy Kilgallen, because my sister-in-law Kathleen's maiden name is Killgallon. So, my curiosity about her was the strongest. Immediately a website concerning her death in 1965 (when I was only 10 months old) came up. She was a writer and there was some evidence that she might have been murdered. If she was, nobody ever figured out by whom. When J. F. Kennedy was assassinated she questioned the validity of it being Lee Harvey Oswald. Someone came forward to her with evidence to the contrary. It was believed she was supposed to meet with this mystery person for the first time the night she died. She was found dead by her hair dresser the next morning. She was all dressed, sitting up in her bed, her head slightly tilted over, and a book she had recently finished opened half way upside down on her bed. The odd thing about it was she never slept in her bedroom. She had a different room in the house she usually slept in. Almost like the bedroom was just for show.
As with any story there are websites to the contrary saying she died of an accidental overdose of barbiturates and alcohol combined. All the accounts are compelling but leave you with not knowing what to believe. The one site I read which believe she was murdered pointed out there was no statute of limitations on murder and maybe if there's anyone still alive with information, maybe the truth will come out. But, maybe the truth died with her, or it really was just an accidental overdose.
All of the regular panel, the host and a lot of the mystery guests they've had on have passed away. But, watching the episodes sure helped me learn about the history of some of the great actors, comedians, singers, etc., they had on the show. The Sunday after Dorothy's death they had a tender tribute to her by all of the panel and John Daly.
I started to think a lot about what's "my" line. What or who am I really? I wouldn't be someone who appears on a show like "What's My Line?" because I don't have any unusual line of work or roles I've played. But I started to realize that even without a college degree and without a lot of job experience, I have done a lot in my 50 years. I did go to college for a couple years and studied public speaking.
I was a wife for 25 years before I divorced. I'm a mother of 4 children all of whom are now adults; Amanda, Zakk, Caleb and Alyssa, and a grandma of 1 beautiful little girl McKinley. Currently the "lines" of my children are as follows: Amanda is the mommy of McKinley. She was married for a short time to McKinley's daddy Greg, but they are divorced now. She has a new boyfriend, Seth whom is a really good guy. They seem really good for each other and I hope it lasts. Amanda has a couple of degrees, one in cosmetology and one in personal training. She is a hair stylist at a salon and specializes in barbering. She's a good mommy to McKinley. :)
Zakk went to school for a little while but didn't finish. He is currently working as a customer service rep at a call center.
Caleb went to college too for a few semesters but it proved to be too taxing on him. I think with his Asperger's the frustration of it was just too much. He hasn't held a job yet, but maybe that will change soon.
Alyssa is currently a freshman at Utah Valley University where she received a first year academic scholarship. She is an English Education major, but might change that. She had straight A's her first semester and hopefully she'll continue that streak. She'll work to get a summer job after this semester is over.
I worked as a substitute teacher for 6 years for K-12. I enjoyed it, but found it to be hard for me to continue because of sciatica pain. Also, I was hardly getting any jobs, most would be taken by other substitutes before I could grab them.
This is my 4th year singing contra-alto in an all women's choir called Chauntenettes. I love to sing, and have done a couple of special numbers for our concerts. I have also sang a few times in church and I'm in our ward choir.
As those who read my blog posts know, I am an avid fan of David Archuleta. His music and who he is mean the world to me. A great young man and a good example to all young and old!
Twice in my life I've sold Tupperware, including currently. I'm enjoying it because I earn extra money, I meet nice people and earn some nice incentives for my sales. Maybe I'll get recruits some day and even become a manager. It is definitely a goal!
Nellie's Tupperware Site
The one thing I've done for nearly 16 years which I believe defines me the most, and I get so much joy from doing, is that of being a Girl Scout Leader. It started when my oldest daughter Amanda joined when she was in 4th grade. She continued through 8th grade. My youngest daughter Alyssa went through the entire program from Kindergarten (Daisies) until she graduated from High School (Ambassadors) a year ago.
I've had so many girls I've been a leader for. I know it's over 200, but not sure the exact number. I enjoy going with them camping and on adventures, leading them through badges and leadership skills, etc. And even though it stresses me out, I even enjoy cookie selling time! (The picture on the right is Camporee 2012. It is featured on the Girl Scouts of Utah website to promote Camporee 2015. My Girl Scout troop and I are in there somewhere!)
I am also a daughter of God which is of the greatest worth to me. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My calling in the church is a genealogy consultant. I have been researching genealogy for almost 24 years. I love researching and finding clues to puzzles, stories of my ancestors and building my family history.
My 50th birthday at Cheesecake Factory |
I hope on the day I leave this earth (hopefully many, many years in the future) even if I don't have a college degree, nor a steady salaried job, that the impact I've left on others will be felt. That I'll leave knowing my children and grandchildren loved me, that I impacted at least one person in my life. God willing! So, that's my line, or lines!