I find myself like so many others at a loss for words
concerning the “Called to Serve” video about David Archuleta and his mission. So, at
times I find it easiest to type my feelings, so here’s my attempt.
I thought of trying for the sake of others to not get religious in my comments as to not offend some fans, however, I’m remembering David’s words at the end of the video when he said he’s not afraid to show people who he is, to not be afraid to show what he believes in, or for people to know that. I should then follow his example.
We all saw the same video and we all have different views of what David said and ideas about what we saw, so I thought I’d try to tell what is in my heart. I feel so enriched by David being a part of my life, and him singing Be Still being is a part of my journey back to the gospel I love. It filled me with joy to see David as a missionary, touching the lives of others, and knowing they felt what I felt, and seeing them express their love for him and his companion for bringing them to the gospel.
I felt an overwhelming spirit when he sang hymns I love both in English and Spanish. It was helpful to me being familiar with the tunes in English so when he sang I knew what he was saying. David was using that beautiful gift of his to reach others with heartfelt hymns.
David also quoted
the scripture in Alma (and Kari tweeted from him the same said scripture a
little over a year ago) in the Book of Mormon, Chapter 37 vs. 6, 7: “…by small and
simple things, great things are brought to pass.” This chapter and verse has
great meaning to young Cinthya in Ecuador as when she was going through the
struggles of not knowing whether to get baptized, this chapter and verse she
stumbled on to so to speak when reading randomly in the Book of Mormon. It
touched her concerning things she was going through at that time. A few days
later came the tweet by Kari. It wasn’t immediately when Cinthya got baptized,
but it was a part of what ultimately made her decide to get baptized. I thought of trying for the sake of others to not get religious in my comments as to not offend some fans, however, I’m remembering David’s words at the end of the video when he said he’s not afraid to show people who he is, to not be afraid to show what he believes in, or for people to know that. I should then follow his example.
We all saw the same video and we all have different views of what David said and ideas about what we saw, so I thought I’d try to tell what is in my heart. I feel so enriched by David being a part of my life, and him singing Be Still being is a part of my journey back to the gospel I love. It filled me with joy to see David as a missionary, touching the lives of others, and knowing they felt what I felt, and seeing them express their love for him and his companion for bringing them to the gospel.
I felt an overwhelming spirit when he sang hymns I love both in English and Spanish. It was helpful to me being familiar with the tunes in English so when he sang I knew what he was saying. David was using that beautiful gift of his to reach others with heartfelt hymns.
I was touched by the words of his fellow missionaries who had such humbling
things to say concerning David. Some might believe it was scripted but I don’t
believe so. We all have seen how David is and those wonderful words should not
be surprising to us.
Reflecting on myself for a moment when David said "It's about moving forward with faith. Not always knowing what's going to happen with the decisions we make. We'll just see what happens from here." I feel like this is the story of my life sometimes, but the moving forward part is hard. I get stuck in ruts and stay stagnant and moving forward seems to not be occurring. So rather, I start each day with faith, or try to and hope for things to get better. A lot of prayer comes in there too. I'm a firm believer in praying always. Not waiting for just church or your daily prayers you always say, but to have a whispering message in your heart throughout the day toward your Father in Heaven of gratitude and seeking for guidance when needed.
Back to the program, I cried for his
sisters Jazzy and Amber when I saw the tears of joy and elation on their faces at the site of
their older brother. I cried also when he hugged Lupe. You can see how much she
missed him. I admire the family bond they have and it is apparent that family
bond would be there despite the fame of David. He said he was unsure what the future holds but he’ll go by it with faith. Faith is an important thing to get us through our trials and our every day lives. He also said he’ll always be doing music because it can bless the lives of others. I’m excited for the weeks to come to see what that future will hold for David! Thank you KSL for blessing us with this program about David. It was beautiful!
Part 1 of 4, Called to Serve (part 2-4 can be accessed on JR4DA2013plus YT channel)