A week or two ago I was feeling frustrated and worried about not having enough money to buy a lot of gifts for Christmas. I drove Alyssa to a party this evening and on my way home was mesmerized by the lights and decorations on homes in my neighborhood. I loved them all but especially one I saw with a beautiful manger scene in the front yard. Just by chance I was listening to my Christmas From the Heart CD by David Archuleta. "Oh Holy Night" was the song playing. I had realized earlier today that it was 3 years ago this date that Alyssa, Kaili and I went to his Christmas concert, the tour for the same album. I continued to listen to the rest of the album in my parked car outside my apartment. With tears in my eyes my realization that helping others and giving to others, not with Christmas presents but in other ways is really what Christmas is all about. Not the hustle and bustle of black Friday, fighting over a $2 item that you or the recipient of your gift might not even need.
Money is a little bit better at the moment, though far from ideal, but today I was able to help my oldest daughter with some things she needs. That felt good to be able to do for her and seriously, my worries about being able buy Christmas presents was melted away when I helped her.
So back to Christ in Christmas. I remember the simple movie that so many of us know and watched when we were kids. Charlie Brown's Christmas. The part where Linus tells the story of the birth of the Saviour as is in the bible. The moment gave a light of hope in the commercialized Christmas being worried about in the story.
The birth of our Saviour needs to find it's way back into Christmas or otherwise if we "x" that out, it just becomes "x"-mas. My encouragement to anyone reading this blog; Find a neighbor, a friend or even a family member in need to do something for this Christmas. The gift that feels the heart with hope is far greater than the gift that you stick under a tree.
Luke 2: 8-14
8: And there were in the
same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by
9: And, lo, the angel of the
Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they
were sore afraid.10: And the angel said unto
them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall
be to all people. 11: For unto you is born
this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.12: And
this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in
swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13:And suddenly there was
with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14: Glory to God in the
highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Merry Christmas to all my friends and family. And hope for a prosperous and joyous 2013 and beyond.
After reading David Archuleta's thank you letter to his Father in Heaven, the people who worked with him on his "Begin." album, and especially the fans, my mind is filled with so many thoughts and emotions.
Instead of the letter I'll give the link to Archuleta Fanscene where they shared it. http://archuletafanscene.com/2012/08/04/david-archuletas-begin-thank-yous/
Even though "Begin." is the name of David's album and I've began this post talking about him, this is actually not about him, but about me, and where I need my life to change directions and begin a new course.
Skinnier me in 1990
I know my health is not the greatest right now but I don't have the money or insurance to go to the doctor at this time. I know that if I lose weight my health will improve. My daughter Amanda is attending school right now to be a personal trainer. She said she wants to train me and help me to lose weight. I know I need to but I hope she'll be careful and not push too hard because of my sciatic pain. Over doing it can trigger the pain. I know though that if I lose weight this will help take pressure off my legs and back and that will help.
Just like anyone else I have weaknesses with things, and things I'm easily prone to fall into temptation with and the adversary knows this. I've been reading the Book of Mormon and most recently the Doctrine & Covenants where God clearly states that if we don't do what He says, we have no promise but He is bound when we do what He asks of us. Do what He says, the blessings will flow and don't and He won't be with me. I have to keep my mind straight on the path that leads to eternal life. I love how David talks about how God illuminates the way when the paths are hard so we can get through them. Isn't that true with any of us?
I know one thing I struggle with is feeling secure about my voice and being able to sing well. I have said before to others I think I can sing ok, but I lack in skills to read notes and have to rely on my ear to change up notes and what key it's in to suit my contra alto voice. Though, I have no idea what key I'm changing things in because I don't read notes. I'm a member of the Chauntenettes LDS Women's Choir and when our choir director Margaret tells us to sing a certain note or to "step" down or all these other things in music, I have no clue what she's talking about. I have to hear it on the piano or from the person singing next to me. In D&C 60 God tells us to not be idle with our time and waste our talents. I felt like that was for me because I have felt strong about singing and that I should sing but I haven't developed my talent to it's full potential. I guess I can try to read notes but It's all so foreign to me. But, I will try, and I will sing more.
Chauntenettes LDS Women's choir
I need to begin to attend the temple more. I feel so blessed to live so close to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple and even though I go a couple times a month, there's no reason why I shouldn't go more, especially since right now I don't have a job and really won't start working again until school is in session. I feel so close to Heavenly Father and my Savior when I'm in the temple and feel inner peace I'm looking for away from the world. I also have tons of temple cards to go through online before I can get their work done. I can't keep putting my ancestors in a holding pattern waiting for their work to be done. They were names submitted by my sis-in-law Kathleen in 2006 (when I wasn't active in the church at the time), but since LDS family search changed their website to www.new.familysearch.org, names not reserved by anyone but previously submitted were put as "ready" for anyone to do the temple work. Because of that we have found that about 2/3 of the names that were submitted are already done. Unfortunately some of the names that are completed are our direct ancestors which both my brother Allen and I really wanted to do foremost before the extended family names. Once Kathleen and I are finished going through all the cards, we'll probably have some of my nieces and nephews do the baptisms and confirmations then we'll do the other work. No more procrastinating.
Mt. Timpanogos Temple, American Fork, Utah
I also need to substitute teach more and figure out other ways to make money for my family. I can't depend on Joe's ability to pay me alimony and child support or to live on that money alone. Right now he doesn't have a job, so not sure what is going to happen with his ability to pay me if that doesn't change. I need to rely on myself to make money, and budget money better too.
Begin to make things happen in my life. Don't be idle. Develope my talents. Take better care of me. Begin to live better. Begin to have confidence in myself. Just Begin.
As someone who has been a Girl Scout leader for 12 years I try hard to live by the Girl Scout mission, to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. I started out as a co-leader with my daughter Amanda's Junior troop, when she was in 5th grade. I've been my daughter Alyssa's leader since she was in 2nd grade, and she is currently in 10th grade.
I've seen so many young women who used to be my Girl Scouts grow up and have success. I figured out that I've had over 200 girls in my care as their leader. I can't imagine a better place to be!
My daughter Alyssa has been a Girl Scout since she was a Daisy. I started being her leader in second grade. She wasn't in a troop in Daisies, just an independent member and someone else was her leader in 1st grade because I was a leader of a different troop at the time. Alyssa has grown in Girl Scouts with more confidence. She started out being so shy to sell cookies and now she makes plans on how to sell the most cookies. She has been our troop's top seller for 5 or 6 years now. She's not a camper like her sister was. She'll go if I go. She is a program aide. Program aides help at various activities and in our service unit the program aides run our day camp. She has helped run our day camp now for 3 years. We are having a Fall day camp next week which she also has helped to make decisions and will run various activies along with some other girls.
Alyssa and Kaili with stuffed animals collected for the children in Afghanistan
Update April 2012, Silver awards and certificates
Along with her best friend Kaili, Alyssa has earned her silver award and will be presented to them at next April's award banquet. They followed the example of their idol, David Archuleta and helped children out through various ways with service. The place where they put most of their 50+ hours of service was collecting items for the children in remote villiages in Afghanistan. Mainly stuffed animals, school supplies, tooth brushes and floss. They also did free babysitting, giving gift bags to children in the hospital, collecting food items for low income families with small children for Thanksgiving, and giving their time at places like the Gingerbread festival and our local children's library. I'm proud of them and their time spent to earn it. Just started my 13th year as a leader (13 "actual" years will be in March). I have 46 girls in my troop and love it! I have fantastic leaders who are so helpful in my quest to make our troop be a place girls love to attend with fun activities, field trips and camps for them to go to. Our troop has rented Trefoil Ranch (Girl Scout camp) in a few weeks from now. Going to take them on some hikes and have some fun tracking and trail sign games. Help my older girls to earn their backpacking badge and my Juniors to earn their Camp Together badge. Going to be a fun year!
Bell Tower at Girl Scout Trefoil Ranch, Provo Canyon
I make no qualms about the fact that I am a fan of David Archuleta. It is because of him, his music, his testimony and his example that I am active back in the LDS church once again. He and David Osmond's personal testimony to me to return to church have changed my life for the better.
On December 19th at the My Kind of Christmas concert with David Archuleta, he made the announcement during his encore that he would be serving a full time mission. The crowd exploded and was behind him.
I was happy for him from the beginning but admittedly sad too because I knew I would miss him. My emotions and thoughts were a mixed mess on the way back home from the concert.
My thoughts were turned to noticing how calm everything was. No wind, so peaceful. My mixed thoughts soon turned into a calmness similar to the night air I was noticing. I had assurity in my thoughts that this calling for David was from Heavenly Father and that we as fans did not have the right to be possessive of him or his time. The time he spends on his mission will be for our Father in Heaven, teaching the gospel to those who will hear.
The morning of New Years eve I decided to use my new video camera and on my video I included a message to David and a song for him. "In the Hollow of Thy Hand" by Janice Kapp Perry. I wish David all the success on his mission and that the Lord will keep him safe. God bless him!
The speaking part of my video is a little soft, so this is what I said:
"Hi David! I know a lot of people have sent video messages and I didn’t take my chance yet to do that so here I am.
I wanted to let you know that being at the concert during your mission announcement was incredible! The crowd was so loud and behind you and you felt it with such emotion. Your decision hasn’t been easy for everyone but I feel in my heart that it is a calling from our Father in Heaven because I could feel the spirit so strong in the room.
I was reading in 2nd Nephi today and was touched by chapter 32:3. Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.
After reading it, some thoughts came to my mind. I know that through Heavenly Father we get personal revelation in our own lives and I know this is the feeling you get from the Holy Spirit when you talked at BYU Idaho how you do what you do for Him and because of Him. And at your announcement you said you need to follow that feeling you’ve always felt that directed you in your life.
. Though I will miss you I am proud of your decision, knowing too that it couldn’t have been an easy one to make. When and where you’re going is a well kept secret because nobody knows who aren’t in your family or closest friends, or those leaders in your ward who know. I hope wherever it is that you are kept safe and that you come back home safe and to the loving arms of your family and friends and will be able to be here again for your fans
So many fans have vowed to be here for you when you return from your mission. I’m putting together a scrapbook for you which will center around the LDS temples of the world and a list of fans who live near these temples who have vowed to be here for you and show their support for you. I hope to be able to present it to you before you leave for your mission but will share the pages here on your fan groups too so you and the fans can see it before you leave.
I was so touched by the fan videos and with those and my own personal experiences I know what an influence you are on countless people. People like me who have brought the gospel back into their lives, or have become baptized because they want to know what it is you’re all about so they seek the truth. People who have become better and more faithful in their own religions whatever they may be. People who have given service because of your example, or who have had the courage to share their talents because of your encouragement.
You are more than just an idol to us David, you’re a shining example of what kind of people we want to be. The people in whatever country you go to teach will be surely blessed that you are their missionary. For you, I want to give you my own personal gift of a song sung at many a missionary farewell. I tried to find sheet music for it that also wouldn’t cost way too much to ship but I wasn’t successful. So, I’m going to sing it a cappella so bare with me because just like you, I’m not a morning singer, though you sing better in the mornings than I do. The song is called In the Hollow of Thy Hand."
.In the Hollow of Thy Hand by Janice Kapp Perry
Dear Lord who blesses us with love
Please send this day thy spirit from above.
As this thy son, accepts a call from thee
Help him we pray to learn humility.
Direct his footsteps everyday
And keep him ever walking in thy ways
Inspire him as he spreads the gospel plan
Lord, hold him in the hollow of thy hand
In the hollow of thy hand as he grows from boy to man
Help his understanding deepen and increase
In the hollow of thy hand as he grows from boy to man
Let him know the special blessing of thy peace.
Dear Lord, who hears and answers prayers,
Please keep thy servant always in thy care
As he prepares to teach his fellow men
Oh keep him safe and bring him home again.
Protect him from all worldly ways
And always send they spirit when he prays.
Give him the courage of a righteous man
Just hold him in the hollow of thy hand
(last Chorus)
In the hollow of thy hand as he grows from boy to man
Help his understanding deepen and increase
As he faces life’s demands, may he take a valiant stand.
Give him shelter in the hollow of thy hand.
Edit Nov 24, 2012. David has been gone now almost 8 months and he is in the Racangua, Chile mission. He already has been able to sing at a couple of music devotionals and will be doing some Christmas ones next month for the people in Chile. This time on his mission really is going by quickly. I love this time of year because seriously, nobody sings Christmas songs like David. Today is also the 3rd anniversary of when Alyssa, Kaili and I saw him in concert for his Christmas From the Heart tour. Amazing memories. Seems like yesterday! In just a few weeks will be one year ago when David made his mission announcement. Wow!